Inspire Moment #11: Out with the Old

Your (IN)spire Moment for today is to encourage you to let go off your old thoughts, old ways, and old habits.  Throw them out.  Get rid of them.  It may feel uncomfortable because it’s change in your daily patterns and routine, but just go with it and…SEE WHAT HAPPENS!   We know change isn’t always fun, but it definitely is needed to experience growth in our life.  Who doesn’t want to  personal growth in their life?  It’s scary sometimes because growth is often difficult to deal with WHEN YOU CHANGE as a person but everything around you remains the same.  The dynamics in your life will change when you let go of the old.  I’m here to encourage you to not let that fear of change keep you from forming new thoughts, new ways, and new habits in your life.

So toss that oldness in the garbage on your way out the door.  It certainly isn’t helping you have a true level of balance in your life with all of that old stuff, sticking around…so it’s time to let go of the old and replenish with the new.  New thoughts, new ways, new habits starting today! 

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