Inspire Moment #51: Reevaluate Your Time

Inspire Moment #51 is to encourage you to Reevaluate Your Time.  Is it time to reevaluate how you are spending your time?  Do you need to take a closer look and assess your time spending?  We assess our financial spending, or we should…but what about our time spending? How do we allocate that?  Is WHAT you are doing everyday HOW you want to be spending your time?  Why are you spending time on doing the things you are doing everyday?  Please THINK about that.  Can you answer that question?  What does spending time on doing those things bring you?  If you are unable to answer those questions, it’s probably the first indicator that you might be wasting you time on something.

Take the time to Reevaluate Your Time.  Even it’s if it’s JFT…Just for Today!


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