The little engine that could didn’t tell himself he wasn’t strong enough to get to get over that mountain. He didn’t think to himself that he’ll never reach the top. He was willing to try and with the right mindset, he succeeded!
Inspire Moment #52 is I think I can, I think I can. So, let me ask you something…which mindset do you have? Are you like the blue little engine who was willing to try or are you like one of the large engines in the roundhouse that thinks the job is too much to handle? Think about it! Your engine is your mind. Are you willing to try and achieve balance in your life by stepping into something new or are you just going to tell yourself it’s too much work and pass by living to your full potential? Is the check engine light on?
It starts in your head and it starts today. If you need a little motivation, just start thinking like the little engine that DID, “I think I can, I think I can…” And if you need a coach, you know just who to contact!