We all have heard about “me” time and how important it is that we take it every day. My question is this, do we really feel the benefits of it like we should? Do you even take it every day? Maybe your “me” time is exercising, going shopping, reading, etc. And while all that is fine and dandy because it’s something you are doing for you and it helps us feel more balanced when we do those things, it’s also a thing that someone else could be doing for their “me” time. You may be asking me where am I going with this, so, here it is….
Inspire Moment #18 is to encourage you to re-define your “me” time. Don’t make your “me” time about a task or hobby that you have to get done or enjoy doing this week, make it about YOU and only YOU. Look with(in) this week to find the “me” in the time you take. Maybe its going for a walk without the cell phone, no ipod, no companion. Maybe it’s going into your bedroom five minutes before it’s lights out to lay on the floor and be still to let your mind go. Maybe it’s sitting in the shower to mentally cleanse and let the water hit you to wash away any negative thoughts, when you don’t even need to take a shower because you are clean.
It’s about taking TIME for YOU and the only way to find the YOU is to invest the TI(ME).