Take off the mask today and stop trying to do what you think you should be doing to at work or in your personal life to keep up with others. Stop comparing yourself! Inspire Moment #41 is to encourage you to Just Be You.
If being you means wearing that bright colored tie to work when everyone else just wears the dull colors, Just Be You and wear it. If being you means not giving a $@!& about the gossip around the water cooler and being quiet instead of commenting like you normally do to fit it, Just Be You and don’t say anything. If being you means sticking up for yourself instead of being quiet when you don’t agree with what’s going on, Just Be You and say something. If being you means stating how you feel at the risk of losing something, Just Be You and state it anyway. If being you means writing out what is on your heart every day with the hope of inspiring just one person, Just Be You, and write an Inspire Moment anyway.
YOU are amazing. YOU are special. You are one of a kind. Do you THINK like that? I mean, why are you going to take away what God has blessed YOU to offer to the world because of what the world does to your head? Live for today and Just Be You!
Be HUMAN and Just Be You. If that means saying something that being don’t agree