Inspire Moment #67: Don’t Harbor Who You Are

You share the last cookie in the cookie jar.  You share your seat with a stranger on the bus.  You share your business card with others to build your professional network.  Do you share who you really are with the world?

Inspire Moment #67 is Don’t Harbor Who You Are.  You are a gift.  You are different.  You are one of a kind!  In order to have a healthy balance in your life you can’t just keep all of YOU to yourself.  Don’t lose yourself by keeping it all on the inside!  I’m sure there is a lot to give and in order to balance the beam in your heart and in your mind you must step outside of your comfort zone to be free to just be you.  Simple as that.  Life is much simpler when you just be you.

Don’t Harbor Who You Are because there might just be someone in your life needing to see that gem that is inside of you.






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