Inspire Moment #8: The Blissful

“Life is good.  Heck, give me another glass of wine!  I’m pretty happy with how things are going.  I mean, I would like to do more and achieve more in my life but I’m just not sure where to start.  I think I need some motivation.”

Does any of that sound familiar to you?  You don’t have to be this “driven, work all the time, no time for me” Achiever to have symptoms of the Achiever Syndrome.  In fact, you COULD BE the complete opposite, what I have dubbed the Blissful type.

Today’s (IN)spire Moment is to educate you to look inside and learn if you are the Blissful type for the syndrome.  This is someone who is content and somewhat comfortable with where they are in life, but lack ability to get to the next level and truly feel the achievement-contentment balance that is missing from their life.  That missing achievement could be financial security, a significant other, or emotional health and well being.  If you ask the Blissful, if where they are at in their life is really where they want to be, they would probably respond with a yes.  However, a daily struggle for the Blissful is a lack of motivation to strive for any accomplishment because life seems to be alright.

So how does the Blissful type get to the motivation to have more balance?  By coaching with me, the creator of the face for the syndrome.  I know asking for help isn’t what most people, including the Blissful type, like to do.  My question is, why do you want to be like most people and not ask? By doing that you are only keeping yourself back from reaching your full potential and why do you want to do that when you only have one life? Just saying…so when you are ready you can find me here.

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