Inspire Moment #6: The Happy Face

Today I would like to motivate you to wear your Happy Face. Let’s begin…

What makes YOU happy (in)side?  I mean, do you REALLY know what makes you happy? Have you thought about it deep inside?  Is it shopping, playing golf, etc. Those are great things that give you fulfillment, but are they YOU?  How about thinking about it this way…what about YOU, what about those “things” makes YOU happy (in)side?  What are the sensations (in)side when you smile and feel happiness?  When you know that, you have found your Happy Face.

So, maybe you’re asking yourself…”do I need to BE happy everyday?”  No, but why not?  You can CHOOSE TO be and wear The Happy Face out there in the world every day.  Some questions on getting you to CHOOSE TO wear The Happy Face are below…

How often do you wear it now?

Do you let your circumstances determine if you are going to wear it or not?

Does it depend on your mood, how you slept, the weather, etc., if you are going to wear it today?

Does the environment and the people around you determine what “face” you are going to wear?

If you answered yes to those questions then it’s time to look in the back of your closet to find your Happy Face and dust it off.  I’m wearing mine! How come you aren’t wearing yours?  Your ALIVE!

As your coach for the Achiever Syndrome, I am here to share my (IN)spire Moment to you so you know that The Happy Face is accepted where all major credit cards are accepted and THAT IS ALL OVER THE WORLD.  🙂 So smile and put it on. No sense it saving it for tomorrow when we aren’t guaranteed that. Wear it today!


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