Inspire Moment #101: Bird’s Eye View

Google Maps gives us a Bird’s Eye View of the location we type in on the website.  From the initial Google Map perspective we are given a zoomed out view of our location and are able to see so much more of the area.  We notice on the map major streets, local convenience stores or malls nearby, how close we are to highways, parks, water, etc.  It’s helpful to gain this perspective, because it provides a sense of direction on where you are traveling and where things are located when you journey there.

Welcome to Inspire Moment #101: Bird’s Eye View.  This woke me up at 6am and I figured it was worth sharing.  Now, what if you took some time this week and took a Bird’s Eye View of your life?  You can’t simply visit a website and put in your goal or destination, and tell it where to take you.  I’m sure you wish is was that easy!  However, you can take time to locate where you are in your life and zoom out to see a different perspective and learn any potential detours you need to take.

As the “Activator” I always say, action beats intention.  The first action step is to ask these questions this week.  Give yourself a deadline to write them down and answer them or at least to brainstorm for five minutes.  Are their local compassionate people nearby in your life?  Locate them.  Do you notice major intersections in your life right now and need help determining what turn you should make?  Need to seek counsel?  I know a good coach. 😉  Could taking the Bird’s Eye View help you to determine your next step?  How close are you to pursuing the things that really drive you in life?  Like a merging onto a major highway, is that next move a bit scary to some of you?  Are your goals even on the map anymore?  It may seem like a lot to think about, but it’s worth it.

Remember, not to get stuck on cruise control and miss the exit for the life you could be living.  Taking the Bird’s Eye View could be exactly what you need to do this week.  Give it a shot!

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