You don’t force the pieces together when you’re putting together a puzzle, do you? So why try and force pieces of your life together to happen if it doesn’t feel like a fit? Often times we force things to happen in our life when we want them to, not when they are supposed to. It takes time and patience to look through that box of 1,000 puzzle pieces to find the right one. The same is true in life, it takes time and patience. We all know the waiting game isn’t easy, so below are a couple “Coach Angie” ways to encourage you until the perfect Puzzle Peace comes your way…
- Practice speaking out loud what you (and those you care about) desire to improve, remove, or change in life while you wait. I call it praying to God, but you may have a different exercise or different Attendant you leave your thoughts with (Inspire Moment #112). Ask for more patience, ask for help, or ask for clarity on where to find that “next piece” while you wait. Ask and you shall receive!
- Give thanks for what you have in your life right now and say it out loud. It could be thanks for the sunshine, thanks for the roof over your head, thanks for the two dollars you found in your wallet this morning, thanks for safe travels, thanks for a family that lives close, whatever it is, give thanks, and practice doing it every day. A verse I love to read about thanksgiving and joy is Phillipians 4:6-7…
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
So, whether you feel anxious, scared, confident, or content today, your time will come when the pieces fit together. You might just have to Surrender it all and let go of trying to figure out why and when and forcing things to happen in your life, and instead just patiently wait because the perfect Puzzle Peace will surely come.