Change is often scary for most people, even if it’s in a positive direction. It’s uncertain. It can sometimes throw you off course. My motivation for you behind Inspire Moment #109 is to encourage you to re-frame your mindset to thinking of Change really being a Chance for you. Get rid of the word Change from your vocabulary now (unless you’re breaking a dollar). Replace it with the word Chance. A Chance, an opportunity, for things to shift in your life, a Chance for uncertainty (which breeds growth), a Chance to be thrown off course (could be better than where you thought you wanted to go). The word Chance has a positive connotation. If you think of any Change in your life as a Chance in your life, you will get through more challenges, temptations, curve balls, etc., much faster, stronger, and more positive that you ever have before. Remember, everything you have done in your life started with a thought, and that’s one of the only things you have control over. Let go, test it out, and take a Chance!
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