When we travel we have the option of checking our bags at the airport or carrying them on the airplane with us. Upon arrival at the airport if our carry-on is oversized, we’re forced to check our bag. Like a suitcase overfilled with clothes and shoes, our mind can be overfilled with thoughts. Our lives are packed with appointments, activities, obligations, etc. and all of these generate thoughts. Just as we can leave our baggage with an Attendant, wouldn’t it be great if you had an Attendant you could leave your mental baggage with? (worry, troubles, concerns, resentment, anger, etc.)
The Attendant I trust in is God. You may have a different Attendant, but if you don’t consider the benefits of having one. Imagine being able to leave your cares, worries, anxieties, troubles, at the feet of an Attendant who will care for them on your behalf?
When my mental baggage begins to overflow I turn to Matthew 6:25. “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink, or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?”
Regardless of where you find your inspiration, letting go of the mental baggage can help lighten the load, bring you peace and comfort, and allow you to fly care-free.